WP2. Evaluation of DF intake in existing cohorts (P1, P2 leader,P3,P4; M1-M30)

Three different types of cohorts will be used (see details in section 3 “Existing biobanks/cohorts” and in Table 1). It is essential to evaluate the intake in DF in those cohorts before starting the work devoted to use those cohorts for the measurement of biomarkers related to gut microbiota, gut function and health (see WP 4 and 5).

Task 2.1. Repertoire of DF and relevance of food questionnaire to evaluate the DF intake in the cohorts.

Task 2.2. Development of a food questionnaire.

Deliverables (D) and Milestones (M) of WP2 with delivery date

D2.1    repertoire of DF and their occurrence in food products (M6)

D2.2    harmonized database containing data from the existing cohorts (M24)

D2.3    report on dietary fiber intake from existing cohorts (M18)

D2.4    report on correlative analyses between DF intake and cardiometabolic risk. (M24)

D2.5    questionnaire allowing to evaluate all types of DF intake (M12)

M2.1    Evaluation of the new food questionnaire on the intervention studies (M30)

Risk: Lack of adequate questionnaire and/or inadequate food repertoire in the questionnaires used in existing cohorts.

Mitigation measure: Enlarge the repertoire activities to other questionnaires used in European cohorts